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Non-Discrimination Policy

Department Information


Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base BlvdMontgomery, Alabama 36108

Patterson Site:
3920 Troy HighwayMontgomery, Alabama 36116

Trenholm State’s Non-discrimination Policy

It is the official policy of Trenholm State Community College that no employee or applicant for employment or promotion shall be discriminated against on the basis of any impermissible criterion or characteristic including, without limitation, race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability, sex, age or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law.

  • 601.02 Nondiscrimination Policy
  • Nondiscrimination Policy (Traducción Española)
    H. Councill Trenholm State Community College es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y no discrimina en base de ningún criterio o característica inadmisible, incluidos, entre otros, raza, color, origen nacional, religión, estado civil, discapacidad, sexo, edad o cualquier otra clase protegida según lo definido por la ley federal y estatal.

    Para obtener información adicional sobre cuestiones de empleo, incluyendo las preguntas y asuntos relacionados con la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA), Sección 504, Título II y Título IX, comuníquese con: Pamalon C. Rollins, Ed.D., Directora de Recursos Humanos por correo electrónico,

    Para obtener información adicional sobre asuntos relacionados con estudiantes, incluidas las preguntas o temas de ADA, Sección 504, Título II y Título IX, comuníquese con: Regina Jones, Director Asistente de Inscripción por correo electrónico,

    Para obtener información adicional sobre las preguntas o temas relacionadas al Título VI, comuníquese con: Geneva Patterson, Directora de Upward Bound por correo electrónico,

Age Act Policy

Our Community College is also an Equal Opportunity Educator. It is the policy of this College that no student or other person because of age or race/color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or the like shall be excluded or limited from participation in or be denied the benefits of any college program or activity.

If you feel that you have been discriminated based on age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance, please contact the appropriate College’s Age Act Coordinator listed below:

Age Act Compliance Procedures

The complainant must submit a written complaint which includes the following:

  • Identifies the parties involved;
  • Gives the date of the alleged violation or when the complainant first knew of the alleged violation;
  • Generally describe what happened;
  • Complaint must be signed by the complainant.

An investigation will be timely conducted. If this does not resolve your complaint, complaints involving HHS recipients and beneficiaries may also be sent to: Office of Program Operations, Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201.