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Child & Human Development

Department Information


Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base Blvd, Building I
Montgomery, Alabama 36108

Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Phone: 334-420-4200

Programs & Training

Child and Human Development

The first step to be accepted into this program is to complete the college application. Apply Now!

Child and Human Development professionals nurture and teach young children in child care centers, nursery schools, as well as preschools, public schools, private households, family child care homes, and before- and after-school programs. They are charged to help children explore their interests, develop their talents and independence, build self-esteem and learn how to behave with others primarily using a play-centered curriculum.

They capitalize on children’s play to further language development and introduce scientific and mathematical concepts. Specific emphasis is given to serving an ever-expanding multicultural and inclusive population.

Child care workers held about 1.26 million jobs in 2016. Many worked part-time. At least 25% child care workers were self-employed; most of these were family child care providers. Twenty-four percent of all child care workers are found in child day care services, and about 20 percent for private households. The remainder worked primarily in local government educational services; nursing and residential care facilities; religious organizations; amusement and recreation industries; private educational services; civic and social organizations; individual and family services; and local government, excluding education and hospitals

Preschool and Childcare Center Directors held about 478,500 jobs in 2016. Most worked for child day care services. However, some work for religious or charitable organizations and for elementary and secondary schools that have preschool and childcare programs. Fifty-one percent worked in child day care services, eighteen percent worked for religious, grant-making, civic, professional and similar organizations. Twelve percent worked for elementary and secondary schools; state, local and private schools. The remaining four percent worked for individual and family services.

Teacher assistants held 1.3 million jobs in 2016. They work in both private and public elementary, middle and high schools. They also work in preschools, childcare centers, community centers, and for religious organizations. In 2016, 69% percent of teacher assistants were employed by elementary and secondary schools and 10 percent were employed by child day care services.

Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018-2019 Edition

  • The mission of the Trenholm State Community College’s Child and Human Development Program: Early Care and Education is to prepare professionals. The program represents a comprehensive interdisciplinary field of study with the assumption that development takes place across the lifespan in relation to child development, family, community, public policy, and advocacy in support of the educational mission of Trenholm State Community College.
  • At Trenholm State Community College, you may elect to study either as a part or full-time student with classes offered in a flexible teaching schedule. Trenholm State students will utilize the community center sites which offer practical laboratory “hands-on” working experience with infant/toddler and preschool children, as well as family child care homes, faith-based centers, after-school programs, and summer enrichment programs.

    • Uniform/Name Badge $25.00
    • First Aid and CPR Certification $50.00
    • Background Check $60.00
    • Insurance/Annual $15.50

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find tuition rates?

Tuition & Fee Schedule

You can find tuition rates on our Tuition & Fee schedule

Where can I find important dates?

Important Dates

Refer to the College Calendar for all important dates.

Do I have to take the ACCUPLACER?


The answer is yes, unless you qualify for exemption.

What is the salary range?

Median hourly wages of child care workers, preschool teachers, and teacher’s assistants in the public schools were $12.33 in 2017. The lowest 10 percent earned $19,970 yearly and the highest 10 percent earned more than $54,780.00 yearly. The median annual wage of preschool and childcare Teacher assistants was $26,260 yearly. Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018 Survey

Contact Us

Program Contact

Doris Pinkston
Program Coordinator/Instructor


Trenholm Campus
1225 Air Base Blvd,
Montgomery, AL 36108
Detailed Drections