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Upward Bound

Department Information


Trenholm Campus: 
1225 Air Base Blvd
Montgomery, Alabama 36108

Patterson Site:
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36116

Phone: 1-866-753-4544

Trenholm State Upward Bound

Trenholm State Upward Bound provides support to participants in their preparation for college entrance. The program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. Upward Bound serves: high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.

  • Currently in the 9th or 10th grade and Enrolled at one of the seven targeted high schools in the Tri-County Area:
    • Calhoun (Lowndes County)
    • Carver High School
    • JAG (Jeff Davis)
    • Lanier High School
    • Percy Julian (Robert E. Lee)
    • Prattville High (Autauga County)
    • Wetumpka High School (Elmore County)
  • First-generation college students (neither parent has a four-year degree) and/or below the poverty threshold
  • U. S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Have demonstrated a need for project services as assessed by project staff
  • Lack of opportunity to achieve academic success
  • Committed to participating in the Upward Bound Academic Enrichment year component held on 22 Saturdays and a six-week summer component through high school graduation
  • Academic Tutoring and Homework assistance
  • ACT, SAT, and Accuplacer assistance
  • Financial Literacy, money management, budgeting
  • Career Assessment and activities
  • College Tours
  • Personal and academic counseling
  • Mentoring
  • Assistance with college admissions and scholarships (FASFA)


Academic Year Component

Academic Year : Activities include academic advising, tutoring, test preparation, college and financial aid planning, and career exploration. Classes are held on Saturdays with Upward Bound staff to monitor academic progress and receive assistance with the college selection, scholarships, and FAFSA application process.

Summer Component

Summer Session : Students participate in a six-week summer camp on the Trenholm State Campus. The summer session will include academic classes, cultural enrichment recreation assessment and activities, college visits, and community services activities.

Upward Bound Staff

Contact Information
Learning Resource Center
3086 Mobile Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36108

Geneva Patterson
Upward Bound Director

Cornelius “CC” Calhoun
Upward Bound Academic Advisor