Office of Records & Registrar
Home / Office of Records & Registrar
Department Information
- Trenholm Campus:
- 1225 Air Base Blvd
- Montgomery, Alabama 36108
- Patterson Site:
- 3920 Troy Highway
- Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Phone: 334-420-4200
Admissions & Financial Aid
Welcome to the Office of Records and Registrar

Student Academic Records And Resources
The Office of Records is here to provide information and services to meet the needs of the Trenholm State faculty, staff, students, and community. The Office delivers transcripts of student academic records (official and student copies), facilitates advising and registration each semester for-credit classes, and verifies and certifies student enrollment status. In addition to planning the Commencement Ceremony, the Office processes grade changes, transfer credit, certificates and degrees, curriculum updates, degree plans, and student information. Specific registration information is contained in instructions distributed to applicants and students before each semester begins.
Course Schedule
Current Student Forms
Graduation Information
International Students
Request Transcript
Transfer Credit
Alabama Transfers
The links below will help you in your field of study, study habits, writing ability, financial aid and overall will help to provide a successful collegiate experience for you.
- www.khanacademy.org (Math, Science, Economics and Finance, Computing)
- www.studygs.net (Various Study Strategies)
- services.smarthinking.com (Nursing /Allied Health, General Education,)
- owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ (writing resources)
- www.financialliteracy101.org
- www.smartevals.com/trenholm
- quizlet.com
Dean’s List – A Dean’s List shall be compiled at the end of each semester. The requirements for the Dean’s List shall be:
- A grade point average for the term of 3.5 to 3.99 on a 4.00 scale.
- A completion of 12 credit hours of college-level work for the semester. Developmental courses do not count toward the minimum course load requirement.
President’s List – A President’s List shall be compiled at the end of each semester. The requirements for the President’s List shall be:
- A grade point average for the term of 4.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- A completion of 12 credit hours of college-level work for the semester. Developmental courses do not count toward the minimum course load requirement.
Commencement Honors
Candidates for commencement will be recognized in the printed program for academic achievement. Recognition will be given according to the following designations:
Graduation with Honors
(3.50 – 3.69 cumulative GPA)
Graduation with High Honors
(3.70 – 3.89 cumulative GPA)
Graduation with Highest Honors
(3.90 – 4.00 cumulative GPA)
Graduation with Distinction
(3.50 – 4.00 cumulative GPA)
In order to be eligible for any academic honor, a candidate must have completed a minimum of thirty (30) semester hours of credit at Trenholm State.
Degree and Certificates
The college awards associate degrees, certificates, and short-term certificates that are based upon fields of study appropriate to higher education, and that include general education components ensuring a breadth of knowledge that promotes intellectual inquiry and critical thinking. Student are responsible for completing their Application for Graduation at least one term prior to their planned term of graduation. The Application for Graduation is located on the Graduation Tab.
Associates in Arts Degree
College Transfer – Course work leading to the Associate in Arts (AA) degree designed to prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Students are assigned to advisors in the General Education and Social Sciences Division. Degree plans have been outlined in the catalog to guide students in the choice and sequence of courses.
A student shall be awarded the Associate in Arts degree upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of a specific program in accordance with policies of the Alabama Community College System. A student must:
- Satisfactorily complete an approved program of study, including prescribed general education courses.
- Earn a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned for developmental courses. All grades earned in courses which have been repeated will be calculated into the cumulative grade point average. However, only the last grade awarded in a course will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average for graduation purposes.
- Complete at least 25% of the total semester hours at the College.
- Must satisfy all requirements for graduation within one calendar year from the last term of attendance. This timeframe includes credits earned at other colleges.
- Fulfill all financial, academic, and admissions obligations to the College.
- Submit an “Intent to Graduate” form, with graduation fee (if applicable), to the Office of Admissions and Records at the time of registration for the final semester of enrollment. This form must have the completed degree plan attached.
Associates in Science Degree
College Transfer – Course work leading to the Associate in Science (AS) degree are designed to prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university to pursue a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Students are assigned to advisors in the General Education and Social Sciences Division. Degree plans have been outlined in the catalog to guide students in the choice and sequence of courses.
A student shall be awarded the Associate in Science degree upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of a specific program in accordance with policies of the Alabama Community College System. A student must:
- Satisfactorily complete an approved program of study, including prescribed general education courses.
- Earn a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned for developmental courses. All grades earned in courses which have been repeated will be calculated into the cumulative grade point average. However, only the last grade awarded in a course will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average for graduation purposes.
- Complete at least 25% of the total semester hours at the College.
- Must satisfy all requirements for graduation within one calendar year from the last term of attendance. This timeframe includes credits earned at other colleges.
- Fulfill all financial, academic, and admissions obligations to the College.
- Submit an “Intent to Graduate” form, with graduation fee (if applicable), to the Office of Admissions and Records at the time of registration for the final semester of enrollment. This form must have the completed degree plan attached.
Associates in Applied Science Degree
The Associate in Applied Science degree is a specialized degree in a specific technical field. The degree is awarded based on the completion of an approved Degree Plan which includes specific technical courses from the technical area plus designated general education requirements. Requirements are listed with the program descriptions.
Since general education courses provide students with a solid understanding of a wide variety of subjects and methods of learning, the general education courses are required of all students seeking an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree. General education courses also provide students with an exposure to broader and more varied intellectual concepts, thereby impacting each program by providing more quality and enhancing marketability of graduates.
To ensure preparedness of all students seeking an AAS, the College has developed the following general education competencies which are assessed throughout the year in identified general education courses: computer literacy skills, computational skills, oral communication skills, and written communication skills.
A student shall be awarded the Associate in Applied Science degree upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of a specific program in accordance with policies of the Alabama Community College System. A student must:
- Satisfactorily complete an approved program of study, including prescribed general education courses.
- Earn a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned for developmental courses. All grades earned in courses which have been repeated will be calculated into the cumulative grade point average. However, only the last grade awarded in a course will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average for graduation purposes.
- Complete at least 25% of the total semester hours at the College.
- Must satisfy all requirements for graduation within one calendar year from the last term of attendance. This timeframe includes credits earned at other colleges.
- Fulfill all financial, academic, and admissions obligations to the College.
- Submit an “Intent to Graduate” form, with graduation fee (if applicable), to the Office of Admissions and Records at the time of registration for the final semester of enrollment. This form must have the completed degree plan attached.
Certificate Requirements
Each Certificate program is designed to prepare the student for employment in one of several technical or skilled jobs in a specific occupational area. Each program requires in-depth technical preparation supported by related general education courses. The award is based upon completion of an approved Degree Plan.
Certificate (CER) 30 to 60 Credit Hours
A student may be granted a certificate upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of the specific program in accordance with the Alabama Community College policies. To earn a Certificate a student must:
- Satisfactorily complete an approved program of study.
- Earn a 2.0 or above cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned in developmental courses. All grades earned in courses repeated will be calculated into the grade point average. However, the last grade earned in a course will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average for graduation purposes.
- Complete at least 25% of the total semester credit hours required in the program at Trenholm State Community College.
- Must satisfy all requirements for graduation within one calendar year from the last term of attendance.
- Fulfill all financial, academic, and admissions obligations to the College.
- Submit an “Intent to Graduate” form, with graduation fee (if applicable), to the Office of Admissions and Records at the time of registration for the final semester of enrollment. This form must have the completed degree plan attached.
Short-Term Certificate (STC) 9 to 29 Credit Hours
Each Short-Term Certificate program is designed to provide specialized preparation in a specific technical skill. The program requires several closely related technical courses. The Short-Term Certificate is appropriate for an individual who plans to enter a job requiring specific technical skills or for a currently employed individual who needs to develop a new skill or to upgrade an existing skill. The award is based upon completion of an approved Degree Plan.
To earn a Short-Term Certificate a student must:
- Satisfactorily complete an approved program of study.
- Earn a 2.0 or above cumulative grade point average in all courses attempted. The calculation of the grade point average for graduation shall not include grades earned in developmental courses. All grades earned in courses which have been repeated will be calculated into the grade point average. However, the last grade earned in a course will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average for graduation purposes.
- Complete all credit hours required in the program at Trenholm State Community College.
- Fulfill all financial, academic, and admission obligations to the College.
- Submit an “Intent to Graduate” form, with graduation fee (if applicable), to the Office of Records at the time of registration for the final semester of enrollment. This form must have the completed degree plan attached.
Multiple Degrees
To receive a second Associate Degree from Trenholm State Community College, a student must earn a minimum of twenty (20) semester credit hours beyond the requirements for the first degree and which are a part of the program requirements for the second degree. Also, a student must meet all other graduation requirements.
Digital Degrees for Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 Graduates and Beyond!
Trenholm State Community College has partnered with Parchment to offer an official digital version of your degree!
We are introducing digital degrees and certificates, so only Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 graduates and beyond are candidates for receiving digital degrees. Students who graduated before summer 2023 are not eligible for this service.
It is fast, free, and sharable!
Celebrate your accomplishments with those who supported you, your family, friends, and colleagues. Share your digital degree with potential employers to kick-start the next step in your educational and career journey.

What You Can Do With Your Digital Degree
Share your Achievements!
- Easily share your digital degree with employers with a secure and verified link.
- Share with family and friends on Facebook and LinkedIn.
View or Download!
- View your digital degree online at any time with permanent access.
- Download your digital degree and save it as a PDF.
Serve as an Alternative to the Apostille!
- Many countries recognize digital degrees. Parchment Award degrees support the need for international credentials.
How to Get Your Digital Degree
Trenholm State offers a digital degree to students right after graduation. You can get your digital degree or certificate faster than your printed award, so it’s a great way to immediately share your accomplishment with your family, friends, and potential employers.
Upon completing a degree or certification program, graduates will receive an email and text notification with instructions for electronically claiming their degree or certificate.
Follow these easy steps:
- Check your college email and text messages for the award notification.
- Follow the link to set up your Parchment digital credentials account.
- Share your digital degree on Facebook and LinkedIn or download a secure PDF version.
Your digital degree will always be accessible through your Parchment account. You can log in and download or share it repeatedly at no cost. Your degree will be sent to your college email address on file. Remember to update your cellular number.
How to Get Your Printed Degree
After the semester ends, you should receive your printed degree in the mail within four to six weeks from the address on file in the Office of Records. You MUST pay the 25.00 graduation fee. An additional or duplicate degree is also 25.00.
* All college financial obligations must be satisfied before a degree or certificate is released.
Degree or Certificate Replacement
Your digital degree will always be accessible through your Parchment account. You can log in and download or share it repeatedly at no cost. Your degree will be sent to your college email address on file. Remember to update your cellular number.
Trenholm State has partnered with Parchment to offer replacement degree or certificate service for a cost of 25.00. Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 graduates and beyond can request a duplicate copy of their degree or certificate by completing the Duplicate Certificate/Degree Request Form.
Duplicate degrees will be mailed to the address provided within two to three weeks. You will receive a free secure digital copy of your degree or certificate immediately. You must check your email to claim your free digital degree or certificate.
Please email records@trenholmstate.edu with any questions about the digital degree.
Grade Points
Letter grades are assigned according to the following system for all courses for which students have registered:
Satisfactory grades are “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. However, a grade of “D” is NOT considered a passing grade in a developmental course or in some programs of study. A student must earn a minimum final course average of 70, a grade of “C”, to pass a developmental course. Some programs may have a more stringent grading system due to external agencies/accreditation requirements.
If a student withdraws from courses by the published withdrawal date identified in the College Calendar, a grade of “W” will be assigned. If a student never attended or the class is cancelled, the class will be deleted, and no grade will be assigned.
Withdrawal Prior to the Start of Classes
Students who do not completely withdraw from the college but drop a class during the regular drop/add period will be refunded the difference in the tuition paid and the tuition rate applicable to the reduced number of hours, including fees appropriate to the classes dropped. There is no refund due to a student who partially withdraws after the official drop/add period. The last day to drop/add or withdraw is published as part of the college calendar.
Complete Withdrawal
Students who submit a complete withdrawal form prior to the first day of classes for the semester/term will be refunded the total amount of tuition and other refundable fees. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to, semesters and mini terms. Students who submit a complete withdrawal form on or after the first day of classes, but prior to the end of the third week of classes will be refunded according to the withdrawal date, as follows:
- Total Withdrawal during the first week: 75% refund
- Total Withdrawal during the second week: 50% refund
- Total Withdrawal during the third week: 25% refund
- Total Withdrawal after the end of the third week: no refund
An administrative fee not to exceed 5% of tuition and other refundable institutional charges shall be assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. The first official day of classes is indicated on the College calendar as the day that classes begin. There is only one first day of class. This day may not be the first day on which all classes begin. The calendar also indicates the last day to drop/add. For calculating refunds during the fall and spring sixteen-week terms, a “week” is defined as seven calendar days, i.e. the first day of class running seven calendar days (inclusive of Saturday and Sunday). Refunds of shorter than sixteen weeks, such as summer semesters and mini terms will reflect a prorated week based on the number of days in the term.
Classes begin June 14; student withdraws June 17.
Fourth day = 75% Refund due.
After the withdrawal form has been processed, the student will not be allowed to re-register for the course during the term of withdrawal. A grade of W will be assigned for classes in which students officially withdraw after the drop/add period until the withdrawal deadline.
If a student stops attending or participating in class assignments without officially withdrawing from the class or the College, a failing grade of F will be assigned.
Tuskegee University signs MOU with Trenholm State Community College
Trenholm State Community College hosted Black Belt Scholars Summer STEM Camp Students
Trenholm State Community College students selected for HBCU Scholar Program
Student Election Interest Meetings
February is HBCU Walking Billboard Month
Strada Presidential Scholars Program
Founders Week
2023 Honors Convocation
Academic and Career Advising Frequently Asked Questions
- You are assigned an advisor based on your program of study.
- You are encouraged to meet with their program advisor before registering for classes for the first time.
- Your Advisors will assist you with course selections.
- You can schedule an appointment to meet with your advisor or meet with your advisors during scheduled registration days.
- You can also use Degree Works to ensure that you are taking required courses in your major.
- Our job is to keep you on the path to success and help you overcome any obstacles that take you off your path.
- Our goal is to provide holistic support for every student.
Trenholm State advisors assist you from the beginning of your first semester, through graduation at Trenholm, and beyond if you plan to transfer to a university or go directly into the workforce. We are here for you every step of the way — not just during registration.
Academic advisors can assist you with:
- Short and long term academic and career goal setting
- Course selection for your program of study
- Transfer information and requirements
- Registration and class scheduling
- Information regarding college policies
- Support services and community resources information
- Academic concerns or issues
Trenholm State will distribute CARES Act funds to 1,218 eligible students.
You are assigned an advisor based on your program of study.
Click Faculty Advisory Directory and select your program of study to locate your advisor.
Follow the steps below to locate your assigned advisor:
- Log into your My Trenholm Portal.
- Enter your Username (Trenholm State email address) and Password (email password) to login.
- Select the Student tab at the top of the page.
- Select Student Landing Page
- Select Student Profile
The advisor will be listed at the bottom left of the page.
Click Faculty Advisory Directory and select your program of study to locate your advisor.
The advisor’s name and contact information is listed under each Program.
Your advisor can be contacted by visiting his/her office and via phone or email. Faculty email is the first letter of the faculty member’s first name and their full last name @trenholmstate.edu. (Ex. Jane Doe: jdoe@trenholmstate.edu).
Click Faculty Advisory Directory and select your program of study to locate your advisor.
Plan to meet with your advisor at least once per semester, especially during your first few semesters and as you near graduation
- Inform students of the nature of the advisor/student relationship.
- Designate and post hours available for advising.
- Assist students in selecting a realistic program consistent with their abilities and interests.
- Discuss relationships between institutional programs and occupational careers.
- Assist students in monitoring and evaluating their educational progress.
- Approve all designated educational transactions.
- Interpret instructional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Refer students to appropriate campus resources
- Encourage students to accept responsibility for their own actions and decisions.
- Evaluate the advising system, when requested, in order to strengthen the advising process.
- Make contact early in the term with the academic advisor prior to any need for pre-registration assistance.
- Meet with the advisor during the official academic advisement period prior to registration and keep scheduled appointments unless other arrangements are made with the advisor.
- Prepare for advising sessions and bring appropriate resources or materials.
- Communicate personal values, abilities, interests, and goals to the advisor.
- Be willing to seek out the academic advisor at times other than registration for advice.
- Follow through on actions identified during each advising session.
- Become knowledgeable of all graduation requirements and adhere to institutional policies, procedures, deadlines, and requirements.
- Become familiar with campus resources.
- Evaluate the advising system, when requested, in order to strengthen the process.
- Accept final responsibility for all decisions.
Students are encouraged to visit the Student Success Center for a career assessment.
Associate in Applied Science degree programs for students who plan to complete an associate degree and go directly into the workforce rather than transfer to a 4-year institution. Some courses in these programs may not transfer to a 4-year institution as they are designed for employment rather than transferability. Each of these programs have a faculty advisor available to discuss their program in detail.
Each program has a specified required number of credit hours ranging from 60 to 76 hours.
- Associate in Science or Associate in Arts degree programs are for students who plan to earn an associate degree at Trenholm State and then transfer to a 4-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree
- Trenholm State uses the STARS Transfer Agreement to guide students enrolled associate in arts or associate in science to take courses that are guaranteed to transfer to public universities in Alabama.
- Students who utilize the STARS guide, Degree Works, and an academic advisor will take courses that are guaranteed to transfer to a 4-year institution as degree requirements.
For step-by-step instructions on how to obtain a STARS Guide, as well as how to interpret it, please click http://stars.troy.edu/.
- The STARS System allows our students to obtain approved transfer guides for their chosen major. When used correctly, the STARS system will help you navigate through the first two years of coursework and prevent the loss of credit hours upon transfer to your selected public 4-year institution in Alabama. Our advisors will be glad to help you obtain a complete STARS guide including the Area V Transfer Page for your transfer institution.
- STARS is the primary tool used for students enrolled in Transfer Degree Programs to make certain they are taking courses that will transfer to 4-year public institutions in Alabama. It is a list of courses that are guaranteed to transfer based on the major selected on the guide. Students must also print the Area V page for the intended transfer institution to have a complete STARS Transfer Guide.
- STARS is important because it guarantees the transferability of coursework and prevents loss of credit hours upon transfer.
ORI 101 (Orientation to College) is a one credit hour course that aids students in their transition to Trenholm State and integrates new students into the life of the College. Students with 12 or more credit hours are not required to take the Orientation course.
Students desiring to withdraw from their class(es) should view the detailed procedures outlined Withdrawal Instructions
- Discuss your decision with your instructor or contact the Student Success Center staff 334-420-4418.
- Check the tuition/fee refund schedule in the College Catalog to determine the financial consequences of withdrawing.
- Check the Calendar in the College Catalog for the Last Day to Withdraw with Automatic W.
- Complete and submit the Online Withdrawal Form.
- If you are not enrolled in at least one Trenholm State class, you will not be verified as currently enrolled as a student.
Students who have completed between 1 – 29 credit hours toward their degree are considered a freshman. Students who have completed 30 or more hours toward their degree are considered a sophomore.
Many factors should be considered when determining the ideal number of credit hours to take including academic readiness, financial considerations, and personal/family obligations.
A student who wants to attend full time should take between 12 – 16 credit hours
- 12 + credit hours equal full-time enrollment
- 9-11 credit hours equal three-fourth time enrollment
- 6-8 credit hours equal half-time enrollment
- 1-5 credit hours equal less than half-time enrollment.
Nineteen credit hours are the maximum hours a student can take per semester.
Your Trenholm State email is the primary mode of communication. It is important to check this email on a regular basis and use this email when communicating with faculty and staff.
- Attendance must be verified in each course at the beginning of each term. Attendance verification is required for all students to confirm enrollment. Instructors will verify your attendance based on class assignments or course activity participation.
- For online courses, students must login to each course and complete the verification assignment to verify attendance.
- For on campus courses, the instructor generally will use on campus attendance in class to verify attendance.
- For hybrid courses, the instructor can choose to verify attendance using an online verification assignment or on campus attendance in class.
Trenholm State Student Success
Trenholm State Community College is one of 8 Alabama HBCUs to share $500,000 grant to help students
Trenholm State Community College accepted into Thurgood Marshall College Fund
Contact Us
Devan Flowers, Ed.D
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Jacquelyn Allen
Transfer Credit Specialist
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
Mailing Address
Trenholm State Community College
Office of Records
P.O. Box 10048
Montgomery, Alabama 36108