Success Center
Home / Student Services / Success Center
Department Information
Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base Blvd
Montgomery, Alabama 36108
Patterson Site:
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Students Services
Welcome to the Student Success Center

While you are enrolled here at Trenholm, we want to ensure that we provide appropriate academic support programs and resources that will help you be a successful student!
The Student Success Center provides supportive services to help students improve academic success by providing tutoring, counseling, and student service programs. The Student Success Center is a one-stop shop for all students! Stop by and see us; we’re located at 1145 Airbase Boulevard in Building F. For the Patterson Campus, we’re located at 3920 Troy highway in building F. This is where you meet your network of supporters and take advantage of the array of services available.
News You Can Use
Student Success Center Staff
ADA/Disability Services
Academic Enrichment and Advising
Testing Services and Study Resources
Counseling and Mental Health Resources
Student Resources and Support
“The presentations were wonderful. I cannot wait to attend another workshop.”
Request a Student Success Workshop
The Student Success Center embraces educating students and staff about available resources regarding a multiplicity of academic/student success related topics. Workshops are no more than 1 hour including a 15 minute time allotment for a question and answer session. If you have specific needs, please provide details in the “other information” box below. Presenters will either be SSC staff, volunteer faculty or outside consultants. If you would like to request a Student Success Workshop, please complete the form below and submit said request at least two weeks prior to requested workshop date.
Workshop Request Form
The Student Success Center is located on the Trenholm Campus in Building F (Student Services Building). For more information, please feel free to come by the center, email us at ssc@trenholmstate.edu or call a member of our staff. We look forward to you visiting the Student Success Center.
Contact Us
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Trenholm Campus – Building F
1225 Air Base Blvd.
Montgomery, AL 36108
Rooms F102, F106, F107