Testing Services
Home / Testing Services
Department Information
Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base Blvd
Montgomery, Alabama 36108
Patterson Site:
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Student Services

Welcome to the Student Success Center Testing Services
Trenholm State Community College wants to ensure that we provide appropriate academic support programs and resources that will help you be successful.
Testing Services
ACCUPLACER® Placement Assessment is a computerized assessment of skills in Math, Reading, and Writing. It is used to measure a student’s readiness for college-level courses. It is also a tool we use to help enroll students in the class which corresponds to individual skill levels. Learn more.
WorkKeys® is a comprehensive skills analysis and assessment system developed by ACT. The WorkKeys system is used nationwide by employers and educational institutions to identify the skills employees, potential employees, and students require in order to be successful in the workplace. Learn more.
More WorkKeys Information
Looking to take the ACT Test? Find the test schedule, prep, and more at the ACT Official Website.
All information including registration and study guides can be found at the GED Official Website.
Information for the COMPTIA EXAM is located on the Official COMPTIA Website. You can register for testing and find training resources there
Certifications and License Exams
The college administers a number of professional licensing exams, certification exams, as well as, the GED for Pearson. Students and the general public can go to Pearsonvue’s website to search for and schedule the exam needed. The list of exams are added by Pearson on a daily basis; that is why they recommend using their website to search for available exams. Test takers schedule and pay for exams on the Pearsonvue website and testing is done on our campus.
Math, Writing and Other Resources
Khan Academy offers many tutorials, videos, and sample problems for math, writing and many more subjects.
If you need more math resources, virtualnerd and mathtv both offer many video tutorials. You can also use edready to assess your readiness for college math and recieve a personalized study path.
Purdue OWL houses free writting resources and guides for APA and MLA style, essays, research, grammar and more.
Need to prepare for the Placement Test? PrepSTEP has practice tests based on real exams to help you gain the knowledge and confidence you need to know to succeed on real exams. You will have to create an account using your Trenholm State email in order to use this free service.
The Student Success Center provides supportive services to help students improve academic success by providing tutoring, counseling, and student service programs. The Student Success Center is a one-stop shop for all students and you are encouraged to visit the Center and utilize an array of services available. For more information on testing services, please contact: testingservices@trenholmstate.edu.