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U.S. Air Force GEM Program

Department Information


Phone: 1-866-753-4544

General Education Mobile (GEM)

Trenholm State Community College has partnered with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to offer the General Education Mobile (GEM) program to assist Airmen and Guardians with the completion of general education courses required for the award of the CCAF Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. Airmen and Guardians may take up 15 credit hours in general education courses at Trenholm State Community College to fulfill the general education requirements for the CCAF Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.

How to Apply

Step 1:

Select Trenholm State Community College as your GEM institution on the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC).

Step 2:

  • Complete the Trenholm State Community College Admissions Application online as a Transient student.
  • Must submit Residency Form and a Valid Government Issued Photo ID
  • Submit Transient Form from the parent institution to certify that the credits earned at the College will be accepted as part of their academic program
  • The official Transient Form must be signed by the dean, registrar, or advisor at the parent college and must contain the specific college course(s) students have been approved to take
  • Transient students are not required to file transcripts of their previously earned credits at other colleges/universities

Step 3:

Register for Approved Courses via MyTrenholm portal *Contact regarding GEM program registration questions*.

Step 4:

Apply and submit Air Force Tuition Assistance Form. Please keep in mind that TA Authorization can be submitted 45 days before the first day of class but must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the first day of class. Once your TA is approved, email a copy of the TA Authorization Form to or contact Valarie Satterwhite at 334-420-4255.

Course Availability and Academic Calendar

Courses are offered online each semester and mini-term. The online Course Schedule and Academic Calendar provide the course offerings and dates of each mini-term and/or semester.

Tuition Cost

Tuition and fees are $171 per credit hour. The tuition and fee schedule can be found online: Click here for the Tuition and Fee Schedule.


ENG-101 English Composition I

PREREQUISITE: Satisfactory placement scores or successful completion of ENR-098.

English Composition I provides instruction and practice in the writing of at least six (6) extended compositions and the development of analytical and critical reading skills and basic reference and documentation skills in the composition process. English Composition I may include instruction and practice in library usage. This course will be offered each term.

ENG-102 English Composition II

PREREQUISITE: A grade of “C” or better in ENG-101 or equivalent.

English Composition II provides instruction and practice in the writing of six (6) formal, analytical essays, at least one of which is a research project using outside sources and/or references effectively and legally. Additionally, English Composition II provides instruction in developing analytical and critical reading skills in the composition process. English Composition II may include instruction and practice in library usage. This course will be offered each term.

SPH-106 Fundamentals Of Oral Communication

PREREQUISITE: Satisfactory placement scores or successful completion of ENR-098.

This is a performance course that includes the principles of human communication: intrapersonal, interpersonal, and public. The course surveys current communication theory and provides practical application for workforce readiness.

SPH-107 Fundamentals Of Public Speaking

PREREQUISITE: As required by the program.

This course explores principles of audience and environment analysis and the actual planning, rehearsing, and presenting of formal speeches to specific audiences. Historical foundations, communication theories, and student performances are emphasized.


MTH-110 Finite Mathematics


This course is intended to give an overview of topics in finite mathematics together with their applications. It istaken primarily by students who are not majoring in science, engineering, commerce, or mathematics (i.e., students who are not required to take Calculus). This course will draw on and significantly enhance the student’s arithmetic and algebraic skills. The course includes sets, counting, permutations, combinations, basic probability (including Baye’s Theorem), and introduction to statistics (including work with the Binomial Distributions and Normal Distributions), matrices, and their applications Markov chains and decision theory. Additional topics may include symbolic logic, linear models, linear programming, the simplex method, and applications. This course will be offered each term.

MTH-112 Precalculus Algebra

PREREQUISITE: All core mathematics courses in Alabama must have as a minimum prerequisite high school Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II with an appropriate mathematics placement score. An alternative is that the student should successfully pass with C or higher (S if taken as pass/fail) Intermediate College Algebra.

This course emphasizes the algebra of functions – including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. The course also covers systems of equations and inequalities, quadratic inequalities, and the binomial theorem. Additional topics may include matrices, Cramer’s Rule, and mathematical induction.

Social Sciences


PSY-200 General Psychology

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of ENR-098 or satisfactory placement score.

This course is a survey of behavior with an emphasis on psychological processes. This course includes the biological bases for behavior, thinking, emotion, motivation, and the nature and development of personality. This course will be offered each term.

PSY-210 Human Growth And Development


This course is studying the psychological, social, and physical factors that affect human behavior from conception to death.

SOC-200 Introduction To Sociology

PREREQUISITE: As required by the program.

This course is an introduction to the vocabulary, concepts, and theory of sociological perspectives of human behavior.


ART-100 Art Appreciation


This course is designed to help the student find personal meaning in works of art and develop a better understanding of the nature and validity of art. Emphasis is on the diversity of form and content in original artwork. Upon completion, students should understand the fundamentals of art, the materials used and have a basic overview of the history of art.

MUS-101 Music Appreciation

This course is designed for non-music majors and requires no previous musical experience. It is a survey course that incorporates several modes of instruction, including lecture, guided listening, and similar experiences involving music. The course will cover a minimum of three (3) stylistic periods, provide a multi-cultural perspective, and include both vocal and instrumental genres. Upon completion, students should demonstrate a knowledge of music fundamentals, the aesthetic/stylistic characteristics of historical periods, and aural perception of style and structure in music.